
Monday, April 2, 2012


So today I only have some encouraging words for you and hopefully it engages you to think clearly about who you are.  My words of encouragement are... BE EXTRAORDINARY.  Okay so what does this have to do with the 'beauty thing'?  TONS!!!!!  Beauty is not just the latest fashion, the hottest handbag and the most awesome makeup application imaginable. Beauty lies within, too.  Beauty emits from the inside out no matter what you look like.

The word extraordinary is composed of two words- extra and ordinary.  They both mean two different things but put together creates a totally different meaning.  According to, extraordinary is used as an adjective and describes one to be "beyond what is usual, ordinary, regular or established" and "exceptional in character...noteworthy, remarkable".  Okay, enough with the English lesson.

Let me ask you something, are you just going along every day doing the same old thing?   Hopefully not, but if you are I want to encourage and challenge you to do something EXTRAORDINARY.  You are fully capable of it!  In a previous post I asked what you see in the I ask if you see ordinary or EXTRAORDINARY?  You can do anything!  You can be more than what you are today.  You can take charge and write a blog about stuff you are passionate about.  You can help someone in need, be a true friend, live out loud, dance in the rain, feel good about you and be MORE than you are now.  Not to say that you are not, I'm not saying that, but could you do something that is "beyond what is usual"?  Do it for you, to create a sense of accomplishment and stamp a smile in your heart.  

I know that I am EXTRAORDINARY because I was created this way.  It took me a long time to believe that I was more than just plain, ordinary, vanilla me.  I now have this sense of urgency to live my dreams and do more than I have ever imagined because I am equipped to do so.  Believe that you are more than ordinary.   Be EXTRAORDINARY, Girlfriend.

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