
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Beach beauty

I love making memories with my family. Going to the beach is one of them. At the beach you get sunshine, nice breeze, a fierce tan and lots of fun.  But the one thing that makes me cringe is being in a swim suit.  I have my own moment of weakness in feeling "beautiful" when I have to bare my skin in public.  Why?  Why don't I have that same confidence when I have clothes on???  On top of that, I just turned 36 and I'm thinking... this is it.  I have struggled with my weight going up and down and my body going small to big then pregnant then big and staying that way until a year ago when I finally went down a few sizes and became happy with myself... I can't keep up with all the young and the skinny...I have to be me or else!  

I need to be comfortable in my own skin when I have a swim suit on because at the end of the day it will all still be there when I take a shower and go to bed.  So my question is WHY??  Why do we torture ourselves into thinking that we have to look like an amazon princess who is genetically born to be perfect in every way, shape and form?  Let's get real, unless I fork out some cash to get surgically altered then it is what it is, right? 

I am wonderfully and fearfully made, and I know this very well.  And you are too!  I encourage you and myself to harness that God-given beauty and don't dare let go because there is no comparison.  Be beautiful and feel beautiful today and everyday, Girlfriend!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Be a Glamour Girl

As I searched through my mail a  few days ago I stumbled upon this neat 'clip and save' via a Glamour Magazine subscription mailer.  So I did what it said, clip and save...except I threw out the subscription thingy.  No thanks, but thanks!  Check this out, it is called "10 DOS AND DON'TS FOR HAIR, EYES, LIPS, NAILS".  Here is a snippet of each one:

  1. DO ADD A LITTLE SHIMMER- it says to mix gold or silver eyeshadow with pomade and lightly run it over styled hair.  Let me know how that goes.
  2. DO CURL YOUR LASHES- you will look awake and alive.  But, being awake is awake and alive right?
  3. DO TAKE IT OFF (MAKEUP, THAT IS)-Kim Kardashian does it, so I guess we all should too!
  4. DO STEP OUT OF YOUR COSMETIC COMFORT ZONE- a red lip. Just do it.  I think a good red lip is hot, sexy and striking.
  5. DON'T SKIMP ON EQUIPMENT- get a good blush brush, its worth it.  I say invest in good brushes-period.  Sephora is a great place to start.
  6. DO OUTWIT CLUMPY LASHES- blot your mascara wand on a tissue to get rid of excess before applying. Or make them as thick as you want!  Everyone is wearing false eyelashes anyway, the thicker the better.
  7. DO TRY A CLASSIC BUN- lots of instructions on this one so just make it look pretty and spray some shine mist on it when you're done.
  8. DON'T GO "BUN" OVERBOARD- basically don't make your bun bigger than your head.  Makes sense.
  10. DO FIND THE PERFECT SHAPE FOR YOUR NAILS- look at your cuticles and follow the line it makes.  Or do whatever your heart desires.
So there you have it.  Every bit of it was paraphrased and with my own words except for the bold print.  Just want to give credit to Glamour for giving me such insight on how to be a glamour girl.  But, no matter what rules are made about beauty the fact is that THERE ARE NO RULES.  So if you feel beautiful the way you are then YOU GO GIRLFRIEND!!


I have been so busy these days that I have neglected my blog.  Yeah, like a lot!  So this post is to apologize and reassure that I love my blog and appreciate those who read it.  So, I changed the look but keeping the same objective...writing about beauty.  I think I will also start to write more encouraging notes along side the beauty theme.  So here goes...
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